antenna1.gif (2762 bytes) Repeaters antenna1.gif (2762 bytes)

The Border Radio Club maintains several repeaters in the general area of East London.
1. The Main Town repeater ( Sentech TV tower ) 145.650 MHz FM
2. A UHF repeater ( Vincent Park ) 438.650 MHz FM
3. The Linked repeater in Westbank 145.775 MHz FM
4. The Mount Kemp Linked Repeater  145.675 MHz FM
5. The Nqamakwe Linked Repeater  145.725 MHz FM
See the SARL website repeater guide for all the details




None of the Border Radio Club's repeaters use CTCSS, no tone is needed to work any of these repeaters. 
VHF repeaters work with a 600 kHz split and UHF repeaters use a 7600 kHz split.

Thanks to Jim Miller ZS2JM we have these coverage plots available:

The Linked Repeater system is provided in conjunction with the Port Elizabeth Amateur Radio Society
The Western Cape Repeater Working Group, The Garden Route Radio Club and the Border Radio Club. 
Click Here for more on the Linked Repeater system repeaters and frequencies.